What does the Evil Eye mean?
The evil eye is a curse from Greek culture that has been passed through many decades and still exists today. It is believed that when someone is jealous of you, they can curse you with an 'evil glare' and send bad luck your way.
So, protection from the evil eye is something that a lot of people looked for. That's why, today, people often wear evil eye jewellery as a symbol of protection.

The Origin Of The Evil Eye
History says, about 40% of the world's cultures believe in some form of the evil eye. There is mention of the evil eye in Roman and Greek texts, as well as the Quran and Bible. The evil eye curse has a long history as far back as 3,000BC.
Despite the evolution of science and changing times, the belief in the evil eye remains a straightforward explanation for the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"